Albisabores, Lda.

In case the customer wishes to cancel or return the order, you must contact Albisabores, Lda immediately through the e-mail specifying the subject as well as the reason for the cancellation or return.
In case of cancellation, the customer has until 24h after payment is made to request the cancellation of the order (after this period the order may have already been shipped, it will be treated as a return).
In the case of returns, the customer will receive an email with information on the procedures to be adopted to make the return, which must be carried out within the legal deadline of 14 days after the receipt of the order.
Albisabores, Lda reserves the right to accept only the return of products that are in due conditions.

The consumer has the right of free resolution in the following terms:
In distance contracts, the consumer has a minimum period of 14 days, from the reception of the goods, to terminate the contract, without payment of compensation and without having to indicate the reason, by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to communicate this will. The price of the goods will be refunded to the consumer, within a maximum of 30 days, deducted from the return costs. The goods must be returned under proper conditions of use (including the original packaging).

The terms and conditions described herein are in accordance with DL No. 24/2014 of 14 February